Feeling drained? Learn how to charge your batteries in 2021

by  Anne Whaley-Sousou MA, founder of Sousou Coaching, a personal coaching company that specialises in all members of expatriate families  / Posted on

How often have you heard or said expressions similar to “that was emotionally draining”, “I’m exhausted, just totally drained” or “I feel I’m running on empty”? We all realise that our energy resources are not infinite and we are aware when our energy levels are getting dangerously low, even heading to rock bottom, but often it’s hard to know what to do to reverse the trend and to build our reserves back up.

There is nothing like a long relaxing holiday in a sunny climate to recharge us, but sadly at the moment that will only be a distant dream. It is therefore important to learn other ways to recharge our energy stores on a regular basis and, equally as important, how to lessen the activities that drain us.

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